A Writing Portfolio of attempted wit

She perches perpetually on a precipice

too high up for any man’s reach

A lonely perfection- flawless solitude

Trapped within her looks- she pounds on the walls

Silently screaming to be released from the single feature people notice-

A face doomed to suffer and to cause suffering

Her silky hair tumbles down her back-

As her sisters tumble to their fate

Endless eyes and endless despair

Her home- stolen

Her family- dissolved

And her love- Gone to ride the winds forever

As she is left to wander aimlessly

Longing to leap

off the pedestal she is nailed to

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     Mark Zuckerman started out from humble beginnings with huge dreams of success. He has achieved that success and more- and has as close to the power to turn things to gold as one could get. The social networking site, Facebook, has grown beyond his dreams- but at a cost. He has definitely gained some enemies and because his Facebook empire is so popular and valuable- he is depicted as an arrogant and selfish individual in various media outlets.

Zuckerberg has many similarities to Midas- they both got what they wished for- but it was not what they thought it would be. Midas could not eat because of his ability to turn anything he touched into gold. Zuckerman cannot eat in public because of his astoundingly sucessful company. Both men are considered to be arrogant- Midas is always depicted that way in the myths and the movie The Social Network shows Zuckerberg to be foolish and arrogant.



    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    February 2011



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